The warriors tame
The beasts in their past
So that the night's hoofs
Can no longer break the jeweled vision
In the heart.
The intelligent and the brave
Open every closet in the future and evict
All the mind's ghosts who have the bad habit
Of barfing everywhere.
For a long time the Universe
Has been germinating in your spine.
But only a saint has the talent,
The courage to slay
The past-giant, the future anxieties.
The warrior sits in a circle
With other men
Gathering the strength to unmask
Then sits,
Like a great illumined planet on
The Earth.
Thanks Elaine for reading this in class last night and all your beautiful comments on it!
Indeed, the universe is germinating in our spine! And we sit in the circle, gathering together as we practice together and get ready to lift off veils of misunderstanding and become like our own great illumined planets! I am going to do my asanas now, orbit around like an illumined planet.. Om Shanti
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