I am currently in love with this book “Wings of Love & Random Thoughts” by Acharya Rajnesh. I found it at the ashram and was blown away by the quiet sharpness of his words: “A point is reached when the entire universe ceases to appear as a gross object of perception, and the pure unclouded vision of the Supreme Soul alone remains. In order to achieve this we shall have to prepare ourselves. The farmer prepares the soil before sowing seeds. Persons seeking the realisation of the supreme must keep the ground in readiness and tune themselves within in order to hear the all-pervasive divine music without... Our vital breaths are all His, every limit is His; but we do not realise it, because our own hands keep the passage of entrance closed to Him.”
I was gushing to a friend about this amazing mystic author I had just discovered in the free shelf at the Ananda Ashram when she informed me Acharya Rajnessh is none other than Osho! (He changed his name at some point!) So, these words of Osho are so inspiring, but they came through as being really special because I didn’t frame them as being already familiar since I have read some of Osho’s books! (Funny how little things can keep you on your toes and show you where you hold your preconceptions and how to let go of judging a book by it’s cover..!)
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