I love Yogi Tea bag quotes. Now whenever I make tea without a cosmic fortune I feel slighted! If you too are more excited about the Satsang at the end of the string then the chai itself, you will love Gurmukh's book "The 8 Human Talents". I have been savoring it all month as we explore the Chakra system at Laughing Lotus. Here are a few highlights:
"I once heard someone say that the greatest prayer isn't in any scripture or ceremoney; the greatest prayer is simply to call out, "Help!".
"Fake it until you make it" ...
"With dinner, as with everything, it's a matter of understanding that if you just show up, everything will fall into place.
It's that way with money, too. I have known multimillionaires who are the poorest people I have ever met. They worry constantly about money. I have been privileged to be the guests of people who live so humbly it is impossible for us in the West to imagine, and their homes are filled with an abundance of food, laughter, and love. These people embody the human talent of boundlessness. It is about perception."
Sat Nam & Amen